Fine Art
We have a wealth of experience in the Fine Art market.
Our team covers private and commercial Fine Art, collections and associated risks including stamps and coins, museums, exhibitions, fine art dealers and galleries.
We offer Household policies for High Net Worth clients, which can include buildings, fine art, jewellery and valuables; antique furniture, rare books, wine and Liability cover.
We are specialists in insuring classic, rare and high value cars and collections. We can provide cover for Physical loss or damage whilst driven (KASKO), static and transits; plus coverage for events and rallies for classic cars. For our commercial clients, special manufacturers and dealers. We can insure Test Plate and static risks, transit, exhibitions, and events.

Staple Hall can cover private jewellery worldwide.
We can offer ‘whilst worn’ and in safe cover for sum insured limits as required by the client. This enables us to tailor policies to our client’s requirements, ensuring that each client receives the cover they need at sensible and competitive premiums.

We are specialists in insuring classic, rare and high value cars and collections.
We can provide cover for Physical loss or damage whilst driven (KASKO), static and transits, plus coverage for events and rallies for classic cars. For our commercial clients, special manufacturers and dealers. We can insure Test Plate and static risks, transit, exhibitions, and events.

Why use us?
- We operate with Underwriting Authority from certain Lloyds Syndicates, which enables us to provide a quick and easy service with regards to quotations and enquiries, policy issuing, and amendments required during a policy period
- Less restrictive warranties
- Worldwide coverage where required
- Bespoke wordings available
- Italian business can be bound with a MOCHA or DOPRINT document
- We assist and support Retail Brokers world-wide in obtaining Lloyd’s Coverholder status, and also with the placing and administration of Binding Authorities at Lloyd’s.
Our team have considerable experience in most classes of Specie business and endeavour to provide a fast and reliable service to our clients both in and outside of standard office hours.